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SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX Riflescope






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SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX For Sale

SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX Rifle Scopes For Sale Online

SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX Rifle Scope Always in Stock at the Best Price!

SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX (Ballistic Data Xchange) Riflescopes are designed for MSR and AR Bolt action platforms. Sig’s EASY6 BDX is perfect for long-range shooting, tactical engagements and long-range hunting, and the BDX Technology delivers unparalleled accuracy, clarity and precision. Elevating shooter’s skills to the next level, this technology provides an intelligent auto-holdover, specific to their ballistics, target and environment, and allows placement of a precise holdover dot on the digital focal plane, ensuring accurate shots with ease. A partnership of the EASY6 to a BDX equipped rangefinder gives users the ability of applied ballistics in the field without the need for a mobile device.

SIG Sauer EASY6 BDX Rifle Scope Systems on Sale:

Xtreme Guns and Ammo in Richmond Texas carries the full line of SIG Sauer Rifle Scopes for Hunting, Tactical and Long Range applications. Shop Sig Rifle Scopes online anytime, call 832-363-3783, or chat with Sig Pros online during regular store hours, for answers to all of your Sig Sauer questions and needs.