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Aero Precision Bolt Carrier Groups Always in Stock at the Best Price!
Aero Precision offers Bolt Carrier Groups to finish your custom rifle build available in 5.56, 6.5 Grendel, .224 Valkyrie and .308 calibers. Additional options include Nitride, Phosphate or Nickel finishes. Shooters can also choose the bolt carrier with or without the Aero Logo.
AERO Precision is regarded as the preferred OEM manufacturer for some of the biggest names in AR 15 and AR 10 rifles. Most AR shooters have handled or owned at least one Aero Precision OEM upper or lower most likely with an Aero Precision Bolt Carrier. Aero Precision was initially an aerospace production firm, they got into the OEM firearms manufacturing business after someone in the company made a successful initial run of receivers, transitioning the company to firearms. Parts manufactured look different but forging, milling, finishing and QC remained the same. Aero Precision launched a consumer side in 2012 to sell its own products.
Xtreme Guns and Ammo is your one stop shop for all Aero Precision Rifles and Parts. Shop the entire line of Aero Precision firearms online. You can also chat with us online, or call 832-363-3783 for answers to all of your Aero Precision questions and needs.
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