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Kimber Rifles






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Kimber Rifles for Sale

Kimber Rifles for Sale Online

Kimber Rifles Always in Stock at the Best Price!

Kimber America was founded in 1979 with the sole purpose of building the finest, classic, sporting rifles ever offered in America. Mission Accomplished – Kimber offers a variety of Classic Sporting, Hard Core Hunting, Unique Varmint and No Compromise Tactical Rifles. All of Kimbers rifles are offered in various calibers to suit every need. Limited production keeps accomplished shooters and hunters waiting in line to purchase these amazing weapons.

Kimber offers a combination of features on their rifles that sets them apart from all other brands. Critical match grade dimensions for accuracy can be found on Kimber’s barrels, chambers and triggers. Accuracy and strength are paramount with pillar and glass bedding, and all work is done inside the Kimber factory, the only way to ensure the high quality.

Every Kimber Rifle is based on the action it is designed for and kept to a minimal cartridge size. The best measure of quality is accuracy and reliability will follow. Every Kimber rifle is guaranteed under Kimber’s SUB MOA Accuracy Standard.

Xtreme Guns and Ammo Carries a Large inventory of Kimber Rifles and Pistols in Stock at all times. Call us at 832-363-3783 for answers to all of your Kimber Firearm questions and needs. You can also chat with us during regular chat hours Online.

Kimber Rifles on Sale: