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MC Armor TT Belt (Level IIIA)


MC Armor TT Belt (Level IIIA)

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MC Armor TT Belt (Level IIIA)

MC Armor TT Belt (Level IIIA) Ships Free!

The MC Armor TT Belt (Level IIIA) is ergonomically designed for unrestricted movement, providing the ultimate line of defense against bullet threats. MC Armor’s TT Belt is NIJ (National Institute of Justice) certified rated IIIA with ballistic removable panels. ​To merit Level IIIA NIJ Certification the MC Armor TT Belt is conditioned and must resist 125g .357 SIG FMJ FN projectiles with a velocity of 1410 fps and 240g, .44 Magnum and 5.7×28 projectiles with a velocity of 1340 fps. With NIJ-IIIA body armor ratings users are protected against almost all handgun rounds. Stability and support are prominent with this lightweight belt that is constructed of breathable mesh and flexible armor panels created with MC Armor’s ballistic technology. Additionally, 360 degree ballistic coverage is provided on this under-clothes TT Belt that is equipped with a hook and loop closure system.

Every MC Armor TT Belt is engineered with their pattern that fits the body perfectly while distributing the weight of the ballistic panels to increase comfort. To insure there are no unprotected spaces, MC Armor has developed a frontal overlap system that does double duty an an anti-trauma plate while providing breastbone protection. MC Armor offers the TT Belt is sizes from small to 3XL and in either Black or White fabric.

Xtreme Guns and Ammo carries the extensive line of MC Armor Body Armor in stock and on sale. Shop On-Line anytime, chat with the Body Armor Pros online during store hours, or call 832-363-3783 for answers to all of your MC Armor questions and needs.

Body Armor products are illegal in New York and Connecticut